As you know I haven't posted much art lately and I have my reasons for that.
Secondly I am now back on the dole so job search is all I've been doing at the moment. I wanted to go to uni but I missed the boat yet again so I'm going to take that as 'fate wants me to do something better with my life'. I am now looking into becoming a health care assistant as I have been inspired. So the searching begins.
Thirdly I can drive now (woo) but I am not a confident driver at all (boo), So my lovely car is rarely used. I am trying to be more confident and driving regularly because I don't want to lose my car :o (Lovely picture of my 'Honey Bee' car below)
Fourthly I have had no inspiration :l I feel like I have failed at my dreams of going to uni and becoming the greatest artist ever! hah and that really has really messed up my already poor confidence.
And lastly I don't know why I am writing on here... This is just a way to release my bottled up emotions. Thanks for checking in with me I suppose :')
Oh and I know this isn't a art related post so here is a painting I did the other day titled 'In all 18 years of my existence the beauty of the moon still amazes and bewilders me' I used watercolours and Pencils. Enjoy :)
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