Friday, 19 September 2014

The Book Project

I had a summer Project given to me for my first year of uni in Cardiff met the brief was:-
The Book
For this project we would like you to find a book, it can be any sort of book, but choose carefully as we are asking 
you to re-interpret it. You can intervene with it, hack it, deconstruct it, recycle it, re-interpret it, you can work 
with both its form and its content to explore its reinvention/re-presentation in a myriad of ways.
What does a book represent or mean to you… as message, medium, metaphor or material?
For centuries books have contained and presented the written words that have allowed humankind to study and 
interpret the world. The role of books is questioned in our digital age, yet they continue to be objects of desire 
with an emotive allure. You can explore the interplay between the function, structure, and format of books and 
the outcomes can be as diverse as books themselves.
A book is a place, a site, a repository, a dream, a collection, a life, but it is also material, physical and adaptable.
It can be factual, imaginative, instructive, inflammatory, poetic or profound.
What informs your choice of book to work with & what types of book are there to choose from: genres, 
reference, manual, technical, health, historic, graphic novel…
Take a book on a journey: bring back to college 10 different propositions and one realised outcome.
• How is a book constructed, from what materials and what techniques? Traditionally it is paper based with ink 
print, bound through glue or stitch the leaves of which are held between harder protective covers. Work with 
this or against it.
• How is it bound, which cultures make books differently?
• What is your relationship to the book: is it ‘yours’ or is it borrowed, stolen, found, gifted, cherished and 
shared. What are you wishing to say and share about the experience of the book to others.
Remember you are not making a book…. You are making a book into something new.
I was given this at the beginning of  July 2014. 

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