Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Induction Week

So last week I started University. On the Tuesday I had an induction around Cardiff Metropolitan University campuses Llandaff and Howard gardens. I had a tour around the facilities and the libraries. I can use all the facilities there if I needed.
 On Wednesday we met up in Bridgend College and we had an induction there where we met our tutors and had inductions to all the workshops. Wednesday morning I had photography where I met with Robin the tutor. I learnt about all  the health and safety about the darkroom. Me and my class then we began to make some prints in the dark room.

In the afternoon I had fine art with Ben where I had to sketch interesting shapes I could see around the room with a pencil. I then chose the best shape and cut it out as a template on a piece of card. After break I had ceramics with Corrie I had some clay and moulded some shapes from my previous sketches. I joined with my classmates and began to make a press mould, joining all my shapes with the other shapes the bowl looked lovely. Thursday morning we had woodwork with Huw where I was introduced to the workshop and the equiptment. I worked in the workshop with the equiptment and cut out, sanded and drilled a basic shape. I then worked with plastic where I cut out, sanded and sandblasted a piece of plastic.

Thursday afternoon I had graphics with Claire where I learnt about typeography we saw examples of it online then we were given four words and we had to re-create them in the form of typeography. Me and the class compared examples.

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