Wednesday, 20 March 2013

IKEA Project

In groups of two we have been given an IKEA table and we could do whatever we wanted to with it but the theme was Ephemeral. It was me and Yasmine in a group and we wrote out a few ideas, we thought of burning into the table and engraving it and then we come up with the idea of cutting into the table as a wood cut. We used the table as a canvas and using wood cut tools we traced over the wood grain and was left with an almost like bark effect. We decided to print the table using ink and canvas fabric. We used black ink because we wanted it to stand out.

Printing sample ink and paper
I experimented with different types of paper like maps, brown paper, sugar paper and bits of canvas 

  I made a little paper sample out of some previous prints on white card.
These were the scraps of wood I carved out of he table and I preserved them into the instructions box that came with the table. 

Friday, 15 March 2013

My final major project ideas

For my final major project I plan on creating a series of mixed media postcards using my local area as my influence. I want to pick places that I often visit and create a postcard. On the back of the card I want to document my thoughts, feelings, smells, sights, touch, noises I hear, taste and or document what happened at that certain place. My first artist inspiration is Olivia Lomenech Gill who illustrated the book 'Where my wellies take me' I absolutely love her work! she uses lots of mixed media with a range of drawing techniques to create a lovely textured drawing. I want my postcards to be a range of media.


Enamel Samples

Enamel Samples
Today I had my first encounter working with copper enamelling. Firstly my tutor took me and four other students through the process of how to enamel and showed us how to polish up the final product. Firstly I had to degrease my copper piece using some Cif and water. I cleaned the surface with some tissue. I then had to add some backing enamel to the back of my copper. I sprayed the back with gum (which is a mixture of wall paper paste, fairy liquid and water) then using a sieve I sieved some enamel on to the surface and repeated the process again and finished off the layer with another spray of gum. Next time I do the process I will make sure to add lots of gum to keep the backing on because I didn't add enough and it crumbled off. Next you leave it on top of the kiln to dry for five minutes.
Next you can design and add your many colours of enamel. There are opaque colours, transparent colours and flux which keep the colour of the copper. Sieve evenly your chosen colours on top of the copper surface. Then place your sample carefully onto a steel frame to hold and support your copper sample. Using the fork place the sample into the small kiln on a temperature of 900 degrees for 2 minutes. Take it out and tap gently on to the surface of a heat proof surface to release the sample. After a few minutes take a pair of tweezers and carefully drop the sample into cold water to cool off.
These are my final samples I chose to make paper hearts and used them as a template before sprinkling the enamel into the surface. I found this successful and I would defiantly do it again next time I would add more enamel for a stronger colour and improve my backing enamel other than that I’m pleased with the end result.

Interview updates

On Tuesday the 5th of March I had my interview for the Foundation Degree in Applied Art and Design. My interview was at one o'clock and I went through my portfolio with the tutor who runs the course, we had a chat about the course and about me and my future. After an hour long interview I waited for few days for my results and I'm please to say I have a conditional on the course. I need to achieve a Merit in my course to continue on that course. I will be working hard to do just that!

A1 Portfolio layout pages

Over the previous few weeks I have been creating a A1 portfolio with all my successful work from last year and this year.With help from my tutor I have made a portfolio layout, this shows what goes on what page and where. I have gathered all my work that I have need neatened parts up, cropped some images and worked into my drawings to make them the best they can possibly be.
  1. Venice page with sketchbooks, postcard and images of Stanley.
  2. Venice-A1 black and white sheets with additional photographs of Stanley.
  3. Venice-A1 black and white sheets with additional photographs of Stanley.
  4. Life drawing-Skeleton drawings.
  5. Life drawing-Skeleton drawings.
  6. Life drawing-Small sketches and prints.
  7. Life drawing-Small sketches and prints.
  8. Life drawing-Sketches human form.
  9. Life drawing-Sketches human form.
  10. Abstraction- Tate posters, layout ideas and screen shots.
  11. Abstraction- Final poster and invitations.
  12. Ceramics- A1 design sheet.
  13. Ceramics- A1 design sheet.
  14. 3D- Images of ceramic, resin, metal, acrylic and wood work.
  15. 3D- Images of ceramic, resin, metal, acrylic and wood work.
  16. Drawing- Tea cups, spoons, biscuits and teapots.
  17. Drawing- Tea cups, spoons, biscuits and teapots.
  18. Homage to books-Collage.
  19. Homage to books-Book samples.
  20. Prints-Chine colle, rubber screen, and dry point prints.
  21. Prints-Wood block.
  22. Photography
  23. Photography
  24. Textiles-Sewing pattern, fabric bodice and fashion illustrations.
  25. Textiles-Seams.
  26. One thing project- Stanley.
After completing my portfolio I will be taking it to my interview for Foundation Degree in Art and Design in Bridgend College by the Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Stanley on tour

For apart of my objects project I chose to pick my teddy bear Stanley. I have dressed him up in some clothes symbolic to what surrounding I photo shopped him in. I have super imposed Stanley on to a lot of different backdrops. For instance I took a photograph I took in Venice and I have dressed Stanley up in Venice clothes, then I super imposed him.
Above is Stanley in Athens I took this image and placed Stanley on top.

                                          Stanley looking at the ruins in Athens.

This image was for a laugh. The image is from when I visited Lanzarote.
This photograph was taken on the actual date I held Stanley on my balcony in Menorca.