Sunday, 25 November 2012

Homage to books Photographs.

I have been recently been scouting around my house and the charity shops for some old books I could use or incorporate in my work. I have been successful in finding beautiful hardback vintage books but I didn't want to rip them apart and recreate them. They were so beautiful I  just wanted to photograph them, copy them and explore through them.

When looking through my attic I found old books which has been passed through generations, there were some Welsh Bibles signed by my ancestors which I found interesting because me and my mum had never noticed these before.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Homage To Books

Our recent project is homage to books. In this project I will be limited to 3 colours, 3 A1 sheets, 3 drawing materials, 3 photographs, 3 materials and 3 outcomes. I have started to research artists that use books in their work. I used I typed in books and so many professional outcomes came up. Below are a few I found really interesting and eye catching.

                                                                 Meg Hitchcock
I really fell in love with Meg Hitchcock's work. I liked the use of taking already written words, cutting them up, adjusting the shapes to create a beautiful pattern with text. I have taken a page from an old book and I have rewritten the passage by cutting up the text and creating a poem from that certain page.
The Satanic Verses: “Repentance” from the Koran (detail); letters cut from “The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie, 21 x 19 in, 2012

                                       Throne: The Book of Revelation; letters cut from the Koran, 44.5 x 30 in, 2012

Throne: The Book of Revelation (detail); letters cut from the Koran, 44.5 x 30 in, 2012

This next artist is Alexander Korzer-Robinson. He uses a book as a starting point and removes all the text leaving the images. The images combined create an image as a whole. I want to try this! The results look lovely!
New Sculptural Collages Made from Antiquarian Books by Alexander Korzer Robinson sculpture paper collage books

New Sculptural Collages Made from Antiquarian Books by Alexander Korzer Robinson sculpture paper collage books
New Sculptural Collages Made from Antiquarian Books by Alexander Korzer Robinson sculpture paper collage books
New Sculptural Collages Made from Antiquarian Books by Alexander Korzer Robinson sculpture paper collage books


Friday, 9 November 2012

My Abstract Digital Photography

In photography we have been working on our abstract project. I found abstract in photography very interesting, it was quite hard to produce a photo based around abstraction because most photographs are shot with a purpose. I found out different techniques to help create a more natural abstract image through the use of a camera.

I found out that the best outcomes were taking photos of spider webs which created a layer of geometric lines of light.

I really love this image above. It is of the water surface in a garden water container. I felt the flash helped create a 3D effect.

I then started to photograph different water scenarios, the images above are of my bubble bath. I really like the combined circles to form a random floating shape.

And finally I found this creepy spider web with created a mist in the corner of my garden shed. I felt this created an eerie atmosphere.

University thoughts

Lately we have be speaking a lot about what we want to do next. There are a range of university courses which I find interesting. Although in these courses you can only specialize in one area eg.fine art,ceramics, illustration and so on. Me being me I find it very difficult to decide so I'm looking to find a course which has the range all in one. I would love to stay at home because of money issues and it will generally be more easier. So I will be going to open days in Cardiff University and asking some tutors about the courses available on the next level up. Stay tuned! :D